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  • Omnia Paratus #1

  • Omnia Paratus #2

  • Omnia Paratus #3


Here you will find all the old issues of Omnia Paratus and other comics I have made. Enjoy, take in the rustic atmosphere, whether you are looking for a specific chapter or just want to try something new, its all here! Issues are categorized by either issue number (#), special title (examples: Prologue, Reanimated), or Volumes (VOL, these are large compilations). (MAIN SERIES READING ORDER: PROLOGUE-VOL1-ANNUAL1-VOL2-VOL3-ANNUAL2-M.V.O) "Reanimated and PROTOTYPE are non-canon material." 

  • Omnia Paratus Prologue (2023)

  • "Escape from the Battle Crater" (VOL 1) Prologue (2021)-#5

  • Annual 1 (2022)

  • "Journey to Neo Moss City" (VOL 2) #6-11

  • "Ready for Change" (VOL 3) #12-16

  • Annual 2 (2023)

  • Mors Vinct Omnia (M.V.O)

  • Omnia Paratus Reanimated

  • Omnia Paratus PROTOTYPE 2020 (VOL)

  • Supplementary Artwork

  • Omnia Paratus (Lost Chapter) 16.5

Omnia Paratus started way back in 2020 as a smaller webtoon that I worked on with my friend Lottie, whose linktree can be found in the social media icon in the top right corner (next to the mail icon). But after awhile, 2021, I decided to reboot that comic as Omnia Paratus R, using the same characters but in a totally different storyline. Now the webcomic is simply called Omnia Paratus, the R makes it sound a bit try hard. For awhile it posted on webtoons, but it has found a much nicer home at Tumblr, and now here! Omnia Paratus is structured like any American comic book, with chapters being our name for issues. You can expect yearly annuals and consistent page posting times! Typically, I post new pages every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! Fridays sometimes boast a whole two page drop!

Bonne Bovardi

Lead Characther

He/Him [Early on in the series] They/Them [Rest of the series, past chapter 16] (Non-Binary) An off-kilter individual from a land far up in the sky. Bonne meets Riva in the savage Battle-Crater, strangely enough, it almost seems as if it’s an improvement from their old life. Despite being somewhat aloof, they’re truly a kind and quite amiable individual. It seems as if Riva is one of the few to truly see the kind and caring person often ignored by others.. But, it seems as if that kind nature was born out of something..bloody.

Riva (R) Jones

Lead Characther

She/Her Initially Riva is introduced as a brash and violent person, with an unreasonable grudge against Bonne. But eventually, it’s slowly revealed that she’s got quite a sweet soul. Riva, despite her magnanimous looks, is just a sweet folksy gal from the Midwest. Despite her comfy personality, she hides a lot of pain, being an abandoned orphan in her early childhood. While she was adopted by a kind person, it seems as if the good old days are long gone for her..

Bashir Yassin

Lead Characther

She/Her Bashir used to be an average potential majick student. Just as she was preparing to enter Warlock school, magic school, she was embroiled in a conspiracy that involved her assaination. A bearer of mysterious power, Bashir must step up and find her new place in the world.

Morana Lebedev

Lead Characther

She/Her A cold assassin, or is she? Morana lived her entire life being forced into the harsh world of the art of assassination. But part of her always looked for escape. In an attempted assination attempt, she is embroiled in a conspiracy which gives her the out she’s been looking for.

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