
Unresolved Conflict

Mors Vinct Omnia is the first canon spinoff of the Omnia Paratus series. (Reanimated doesn't count since its an AU and has no impact on the main series storyline.) This series is directly connected to the Omnia Paratus storyline, actually, these two characters appear briefly in a couple of issues! If anyone cares about the timeline, the flashbacks in the introduction would roughly take place somewhere between issue 1-5 of Omnia Paratus. I originally wanted to introduce them in an earlier chapter of Omnia Paratus, but I decided it is better to wait and to give these two their own concentrated story before they meet Bonne and Riva. This is a very different perspective on the world of Omnia Paratus, the saying Mors Vinct Omnia roughly translates to death comes for all. That should probably indicate it's a much more explicitly macabre book, and I hope everyone enjoys a new story between these two interesting characters~

Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict
Unresolved Conflict

Concept Art

As you can see below, I don’t have much concept art for the two of them, but they were characters I wanted to add for a very long time, probably since 2021-2022. One notable thing about Bashir’s prototype design is the cross being on her dress, when in universe she is Muslim. Originally I intended to have Bashir be Protestant, to contrast with Riva being Catholic. But later I realized that it would be a strange decision, as I already decided on an Arabic name for her, but I think that I originally went with Protestantism because I felt afraid of making her Muslim. Of course that wasn’t out of any religious bias, but more that I was worried I could not accurately or respectfully represent a religion and culture outside of my general comfort zone. But in the end I decided it was important to prioritize diversity and representation in the story and I think that Bashir’s unique background helps her stand out and adds a lot to the story. Morana had a lot less thought put into her design, not to say that she was not cared for but more that Bashir was a Characther who I wanted to do respectfully. Bashir herself is actually trans, this sort of came as an accident since I found out Bashir is a male Arabic name. But I went with it and liked it. In universe she transitioned but kept her name the same. Morana is very much made to look more militaristic or somewhat plain. Other than the stylistic blue highlights, she has very generic colored hair. Also she brandishes real guns, most of the main cast are more the punchy esoteric fighting types, so for her to carry something so intrisically violent and macabre shows she is from a very different world. As you could sort of tell, these two characters are meant to be contrasts to Bonne and Riva, sort of the mirror reflection of their dynamic. I think that’s why I was always so eager to incoperate them into the story, since their perspective could refresh and illuminate so much about the world of Omnia Paratus.

Concept Art
Concept Art